Moving Forward: Not Back to the Pre-Baby Body



After the birth of her first child, Adrienne’s body bounced right back. When she had her daughter 5 years later, she discovered that she wouldn’t have the same experience the second time around.

“I was always into weight lifting, so I was familiar with exercising. However, my body wasn’t where I wanted it to be. I spent a few years on a roller coaster ride of 'on the wagon, off the wagon.' For a few months, I would do well and even lose a few pounds. Eventually, I would plateau and regain whatever I had lost." Adrienne experimented with various programs, hoping one would ultimately be her answer to achieving the “pre-baby body” she desperately sought to regain.

When Adrienne moved to Maryland, she met Valerie Solomon who lived across the street. “I watched her compete, would see her stage photos and think ‘I’d love to do that someday, but I could never look like that’.”

Toward the end of 2016, Adrienne and her husband turned their garage into a home gym, their first step what would end up being a life-transforming year. “I lost 15lbs. I joined Valerie’s Fit Mom Challenge in February 2017. I changed my nutritional plan by incorporating Isagenix products into my lifestyle. It was the jumpstart my body had needed and at this point… I began to seriously explore competing. I had talked about it long enough. Now, I was ready.”

In June, Adrienne started working with Val and online training and began her journey to the stage. In October, Adrienne stepped on stage as a Figure competitor. “I was nervous and it was scary… but it was so fun. Stepping onto stage after this 4-year journey… it didn’t matter the outcome. I was already a winner.”

Along with Coach Val, Adrienne’s biggest fans were right in the audience on competition day: her husband and kids.

“Having a good support system at home is so important. My husband wasn’t competing, yet he still ate how I ate. He was very cognizant and supportive of the process. There’s a video from the competition where you can literally hear the genuine happiness in his voice as he’s cheering me on.”


And it wasn’t just Adrienne’s husband who was so proud of her. “One of my favorite parts of the whole day had to be my 4-year old daughter telling me that she wanted to be strong like me when she gets bigger.”

Originally, Adrienne intended to work with Val only for the duration of competition prep. “After my competition, I decided to continue on as a lifestyle because of the community of women. We have the same goals. It’s also great to have a relationship with your
trainer and have their continuous support, without needing to see them every day.“

Adrienne’s Journey With Online Training Extends Beyond Just Her Physical Transformation.

“I didn’t realize until recently that it wasn’t so much my body that needed to be transformed, but rather my mind. I spent four years so worried about regaining my ‘pre-baby body’; I finally realized that body doesn’t exist anymore. I mean… You carried a human!

I was so tied up in that image of a “pre-baby body” that I didn’t noticed the inner transformation that was happening. Sometimes we are so fixated on changing the outside, we don’t realize how it’s more the internal struggles we’re having that cause us to be unhappy or unsatisfied with ourselves. 

After having my 2nd child, I lacked self-love. I had gained more weight with my second pregnancy, and I became so horrible toward myself. We tell people to be kind to one another... but, we aren’t kind to ourselves.

My body is 10 times better now than before I had kids. And I’m well aware I’ll regain some weight post show… but I am at peace with that. I feel so good on the inside, I’m more equipped to handle what changes on the outside.”

So, what is Adrienne’s advice for women who struggle with trying to regain their pre-baby bodies?

“Never make your goal to get your ‘pre-baby body’ back. Don’t make your goal to be the person you were before you had a baby. You’ll never be that person again. In one of my exercise classes, the instructor tells us, “You’re so much bigger than a smaller pair of pants.” That one sentence equates to my four-year journey. Set new goals. Never say you can’t do something …
because you ABSOLUTELY can.”

Contact Coach Valerie Solomon here to inquire about online training


visit this page to learn about Val’s Gals Online Training group.

Fitness Competition Mindset: Finding Self Love & Sustainability 


Looking at Adrienne’s physique, the outside person would simply see a strong athletic female. This figure competitor had an amazing physical transformation that ultimately led her to the stage last fall. With so much success that comes with such accomplishments, you’d think the pride would carry on forever… but once a competitor steps off stage and returns to more their everyday fit lifestyle (necessary for health), very often are mental battles that accompany that change.

“For a while after competing last fall, I stayed very positive in terms of watching my body change. I was proud of how I reverse dieted afterward to maintain a certain level of leanness while allowing my body the opportunity for new muscle growth. While I love the shredded lean look that the sport of bodybuilding creates… and while you wish it would last… you know it can’t.”

Around Christmas, Adrienne had surgery that required some down time. “I put everything on hold to give my body time to recover and heal… and that’s when the struggle began. I discovered that if I’m not enforcing a regular exercise routine, I’m not enforcing diet either. It’s a double edge sword.”

After several weeks, Adrienne was cleared to begin exercising again. “While I was finding my routine again, I was also left with the feeling of, 'Oh my God, what did I do?' I became very hard on myself and the transformation of my physique during that time.

Everything I Had Told Others About Self Love…Went Out The Window.”

While Adrienne had great support from family and her coach… she lacked that former sense of pride and confidence she once had. “Personal opinions are so much worse than how others view us.” As females, we put so much pressure on ourselves that “how far we’ve come” can become overshadowed by “how far we have to go.”  With a less than favorable view of her off season body, this figure competitor found herself struggling with thoughts of “I want to compete again but… What if I don’t exceed my own expectations? What if my physique isn’t better than last time? I’m 35… when does my time run out?”

Her struggles led to a conversation with her coach. Val said “You have a daughter. We’re not in this sport to make ourselves crazy. Competing should fit into a small part of your lifestyle. A sustainable lifestyle is what we should strive for. Find your everyday fit.” Those words resonated on a deeper level for Adrienne, reminding her of how far she’s come over the last few years and validating her REAL goal. “Val snapped me back into reality. I had struggled after having my daughter.

My Sustainability Is Finally Solid. And My Inner Transformation Was Larger Than Any Physical Transformation.”


Beyond just what this lifestyle means to her personally, Adrienne hopes it will create a positive impact in her daughter’s life.

“I want to be a good example for my daughter. I don’t want her to ever feel defined by anything she sees. I want her to look in the mirror and feel confident. There’s so much pressure put on girls today… even more than when I was a kid. I want her to feel proud of who she is.”


What began as a simple conversation between Adrienne and her coach led to a deeper reflection and a shifted mindset. "Goals change. My body represents two sets of goals. Looking at my competition photos, that was one goal. To step on stage, and be lean enough to compete. Today’s photos are a different set of goals: To build mass and take a bigger, better, stronger package to the next show. I have a path of where I want to go in terms of competing. As a goal-oriented person, having something on the calendar keeps me motivated. But on that same token, I want to enter my next competition prep with a positive mindset, love myself through the process and ENJOY the process.”

“Sometimes you can’t always see the fruits of your labor…” says Adrienne, which can undoubtedly lead to feelings of self-doubt on whether you’re making progress toward your goals. But during those times, it's essential to reflect on our WHY, celebrate successes, remember the struggles you’ve overcome and embrace where you are at that moment.  

While Adrienne plans to compete again once her military family has settled from a cross country move this summer, she’s learning to feel proud of her everyday fit physique. Adrienne has a deeper appreciation of what this journey has offered, in terms of perspective.  

“A Sustainable Lifestyle Is Most Important To Me. I Have Come To That Place Where I UNFORGIVABLY Know Who I Am. That’s One Of My Greatest Victories In Life.

Contact Coach Valerie Solomon here to inquire about online training


visit this page to learn about Val’s Gals Online Training group.

Teacher, Mom, Fitness Competitor



Before Online Training.... Did You Have Any Struggles? What Was Your Life Like?

Through sports and running, I’ve always been quite fit and ate pretty well (thanks to my mom insisting on it!). As I became busier with two kids, I could no longer go to the gym. I found myself a bit lost and bored with my at-home workouts. I had even given up some of my sports, because being away could be so hard when the kids were young. I missed my workout buddies at the gym and my teammates and was struggling to find motivation. 

In 2016, I began working with an online trainer and eventually started working with Valerie Solomon. I was contemplating competing and I knew I absolutely wanted a coach to help me reach such a huge goal! I liked the idea of online coaching because I knew getting to a gym on a regular basis wouldn’t work for me but I knew I needed some guidance.

Today, online coaching still works great for me. I love the convenience and how it works with my busy lifestyle.

How Has Online Training Helped You?

Online training helped me fulfill my goals of competing in two fitness competitions! I never dreamed it was possible, and physically I looked better than I did after three kids than before I had any! I feel so strong and energetic for my job too (teaching gym to kids!). Mentally, the entire process of preparing for these shows could be tough. It stretched me in a lot of ways.


With practice, I became mentally stronger and getting through tough mental situations in all areas of life became easier. Balancing my macros has become a life habit now as well as strength training. Val has helped me train, but also maintain a sustainable way of life staying fit and healthy.

I feel so accomplished and proud for meeting my big goals. Training has benefited me in all areas of life and I reap these benefits daily. My family benefits from healthy meals daily and a happy mom who takes care of herself. 

How Has Online Trainig Brought You Closer To Achieving Your Goals?

It has helped me reach my goals in a way that helped me feel healthy and safe. I know some coaches out there are not as concerned about your overall health as my coach was. It has enhanced my life in many ways. I am so glad I trained with Val and got in contact with other like-minded, strong women!

If You Had One Piece Of Advice For Someone, What Would It Be?  

Always be grateful. If you feel down, do a mental inventory of the good things in life and you will be instantly better. 

Contact Coach Valerie Solomon here to inquire about online training


visit this page to learn about Val’s Gals Online Training group.

Building Confidence Through Online Training

By Jocelyn C.


I have been active my entire life. I grew up playing sports, was a state-ranked cross-country runner in high school, and trained with the triathlon team at UCLA. I’d been lifting weights (shoutout to older brother Brandon!) for 14 years prior to working with Val Solomon.

After graduating with my master’s, I moved to San Francisco to work in the tech startup scene. I tried to balance sedentary days by commuting by foot, but overall I wasn’t showing up for myself in the gym like I wanted. I had a weight training program that I’d been doing for years, but found it was easy to start skipping leg day or cut out extra reps and sets. Consequently, the results began to speak for themselves.

I was fed up with not being integrity with myself. Additionally, I was entering a period of life that was busy and I needed workouts that I didn’t have to think about. 

Around the same time, I was considering a figure competition, which is what brought me to Coach Val

I begin working with Val through her one on one online training program in October 2018. 


The app was great for tracking workouts and progress. I travel a lot and always prioritize finding a gym, but not having to think about creating workouts reduced decision fatigue. And while I have an active background, I needed a coach who was an expert in body fitness metabolism. I had unintentionally been damaging my metabolism for years, so I needed someone to trust, to ask questions.  For me, that was Val. I remember at one point when she wanted to keep increasing my calories and I couldn’t understand how that was going to help me lean out during a time that I already felt “fluffy.” To my surprise, that’s what my body needed.

Over The Year Of Working With Val, I Realized That My Goal Wasn’t To Compete; I Just Wanted To Be Healthy Happy Fit And Show Up For Myself Daily.

My profession is as a leadership mindset coach, so I consult with organizations and private clients across the globe. In 2019, I never lived in one place for more than two months, and there were times I was moving from place to place every week. Since I traveled so extensively for work, as well as for my own curiosity’s sake, the online platform was perfect.  

After experiencing two bouts of burnout in my life, I learned the hard way that I could only serve others to the extent that I took care of myself.  For me a part of that is listening to what makes my body and heart happiest. Growing up closer to the mountains, I have a love for hiking and backpacking.  When the winter approaches, my body has started to crave warmth and ocean. Dancing salsa, exploring cobblestone streets, and speaking Spanish also fill me with a lot of energy.  Recently I was able to spend two months in Spain, then two in Mexico. In 2020, I’m looking to integrate my learnings from this past year, have more location consistency, and more public-facing teaching.

Any Goals?


In terms of goals... For the first time in years, I am pretty at peace with my body physically, and more importantly, with myself internally. Also, after many years in competitive athletics and, quite frankly, insane training regimens… I don’t force myself to do anything that I don’t want to do. Rather, what I’m finding naturally is that my body wants to be in the sun in the morning for a run or a walk, and then my body wants to lift the gym later in the day. I don’t have to force it anymore; I just do what my body loves for the sake of physical and mental health.  

What Is Something You Live By?

I’ve come to recognize that if I’m not in a good headspace, I cannot be there for others.

No longer forcing my body to do things it doesn’t want to do has helped me to best show up for my own clients, my friends and family. 

Much of my own practice and research has been around motivation. Research shows that change is more sustainable when we do it out of love rather than self-criticism. As a teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion, I recognize that kindness towards self is fierce and an acknowledgment of, “What do I really need in this moment AND long-term?” Once you get on-board with that definition of self-compassion, change comes easily. When you truly have your own best interest at heart, the decision to work out and eat well is. . . no longer a decision.  It just is.

Do You Have Any Advice For Others?

Devote yourself to the process, not the results. Commit to showing up every day and see where that takes you.

The decision to do something good for yourself doesn’t need to come as a New Year’s resolution. Every single day you have the opportunity to turn the page and begin to write a new chapter.  Fill the pages with moments of keeping promises to yourself. That’s how we build confidence and self-trust.


Don’t underestimate the effect of environmental stressors on your physique. Get to the bottom of things that may be raising cortisol levels.  Your eating and training might be on point, but if you hate your work or home life, something’s gotta shift.  

Commit to activities that you love!  I loathe indoor treadmills and ellipticals.  Zumba forever. ;)

Don’t change in order to find yourself more lovable.  Love yourself so fiercely that you’re fueled to make positive change.

A note from Coach Val:

“Jocelyn’s transformation was truly internal. When she came to me, she wanted to change her body. I’m always open to helping people get healthy, strong, and lean, but in Jocelyn’s case, a lot of our conversations were more about self love. I wasn’t sure she could see what I was seeing. She was already strong, gorgeous, and healthy. I’m am so happy Jocelyn has arrived to this strong confident place personally.”

What to Wear to Workout

You’re ready to “do this!”


You’ve signed up for a gym membership. 

Bought a new gym bag.

But before you just grab any shirt and shorts from your closet, read on for some tips on best (and worst) choices before heading out for that sweat sesh.

It’s not about style, but more functionality. Think of it as “dressing for success”

What you wear during a workout will directly correlate back to your performance. 

While this isn’t designed to encourage you to embark on a full-on athletic apparel shopping spree (I’m a huge fan of Old Navy, TJ Maxx and Marshalls for finding bargains!), I wanted to offer up some benefits to adding a few true fitness attire to your wardrobe.

Quality fabrics, good shoes, and a proper sports bra are key!

  1. Ditch the Cotton.

    100% cotton clothing may keep you cool in everyday life but, let me explain why cotton is not the best fabric for your workout attire.

    While cotton is breathable, affordable and easy to maintain from a wash cycle standpoint, their downfalls actually outweigh the benefits as workout attire. First off, when you sweat, the clothing will feel heavy and wet thanks to cotton’s high absorbency. Consider a sweat-wicking synthetic fabrics as an alternative. If you simply can’t part from cotton, there is a moisture-wicking cotton option that has been woven to improve its moisture-wicking qualities.

  2. Leave the old sneakers at home.

    I have a whole other blog on “types of shoes for specific kinds of training”…. but for now, let’s cover the downfalls of training in old sneakers. Worn out sport shoes will not provide your feet with adequate protection during your workout. Without proper support, you open up the possibility for injuries.

    This quick check will help you determine if it’s time for a new pair of kicks:

    Place your sneakers atop a table and look at them at eye level. Also, flip them upside down and examine the soles. If a portion of the outside soles is smooth, uneven, and worn, invest in a new pair for workouts. And while it’ll be tempting to wear those new shoes out and about… reserve them strictly for exercise. Different activities create different wear patterns on the shoes. It’ll increase their shelf life and help avoid injury.

  3. All bras are NOT created equal.

    You might be heading to the gym straight from work or lunch with friends. It might seem like no biggie to keep on whatever bra you were wearing earlier in the day. However, if your wardrobe consists of regular bras or old sports, it’s time to invest in some quality sports bras.

    Most regular bras are not designed to handle the impact and movement that exercise brings. Not only are you increasing your odds for long-term sagging, but many are not designed in moisture-wicking materials (hello, chafing). Finally, and one of the most important reasons for a good supportive bra, is to avoid back issues that you could become susceptible to encountering. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all sports bra either. Thank goodness for that because each of us are built differently. From bust size to preferred activities, choose the one that best fits your lifestyle and body!

Committing to your health expands beyond just the effort you put into nutrition and fitness. It’s those supporting elements, such as workout attire, that deserve some thought as well. Not only will appropriate clothing and shoes allow for safer, more efficient workouts… but there’s an unexplainable boost in confidence that happens when you have clothing that fits well and supports your goals. You’ll find yourself excited to dress and head to the gym.

Shoe talk: Why You May Need a New Pair

I’ve never pegged myself as a “shoe” person… but if one were to look in my closet, they may beg to differ. 

However, each pair is totally justified and has it’s own purpose. No, seriously. I NEED all of those shoes. 

Let me explain….

Choosing an appropriate workout training shoe can offer protection against injuries associated with your type of workout.  In addition, sport or exercise specific shoes can improve your performance, enabling, for example, quick direction changes.

Running Shoes

While running is not my favorite or go-to form of exercise, I will run occasionally for heart health, to lean out, or to just get outside and enjoy the weather. I keep a pair of running shoes on hand for times I want to go for a long walk or run. Running and walking sneakers are made for forward motion and have the maximum amount of cushioning and shock absorption to lessen the impact of your step during heavy landings. They protect your foot when it makes contact with the pavement. 

Running shoes are designed to provide stability for runners by having a built-up heel. If you’re wearing running shoes while squatting, you may find you’re actually rocking forward thanks to that built-up heel. If wearing a running shoe to the gym to lift or squat and you feel a bit unstable, that might be the culprit. 

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, the foot cushioning provided by running shoes can reduce some of the stress placed on the heel, ankles, and toes during a run. Appropriate cushioning can also help alleviate or prevent knee, hip and back pain, as it improves body mechanics.

Trail Running Shoes

Shoes specific for trail running are great if you’re one to venture outdoors for your cardio. They have extra grip on the bottom and can offer stability in a variety of terrains. 

Depending on how frequently you run, this pair of shoes might need to be replaced frequently or not often at all. Most high-quality running shoes should be replaced between 300 and 500 miles - approximately four to six months for someone who averages 20 miles per week

So, while running shoes are great for running, they aren’t the shoes I’d wear if I planned to lift weights. When lifting or performing an exercise such as squats, you need a shoe with LESS cushion. 

Cross Training Shoes

If you’re incorporating cardio (some running, jumping, etc.) into your weightlifting sessions, a “cross trainer” will be your best bet. You’ll find them to have less cushion than a “running shoe” but still offer comfort and stability for some running. The reason for less cushion is the assumption that your feet are remaining in contact with the ground for the majority of the exercise. A cross trainer also primarily offers lateral support, which is essential for multi-directional movements. A few of my favorite brans cross trainers are Innovate and Nike Free. Cross-training shoes can be used for lower impact exercises like weight lifting, rowing, elliptical, and Zumba. 

Sports Shoes

There are shoes designed specifically for sports like basketball and tennis for a reason. They will provide lateral or side-to-side support since that’s the primary motion your body will move. If you’re entering these sports and don’t have a shoe designed for that sport, definitely invest in a pair. Your ankles will thank you!

Fashion Shoes/Sneakers

I have plenty of these in my closet too! Fashion shoes can be comfortable and are usually the least expensive “sneaker” option. When starting a new exercise program, don’t be tempted to grab just any cute sneaker or a bargain shoe. While they may be cute, not all sneakers off the rack are actually designed to support you through a workout. They’re great for running errands or a quick walk, but they aren’t built for performance. If you’re out and about with a plan to hit the gym later, be sure to grab a pair (as mentioned above) that will offer the necessary support.

While we look sometimes for “cuteness” and comfort when choosing a shoe, it’s important to keep “support for your chosen sport” at the top of the priority list. So, next time someone asks, “Do you really NEED multiple sneakers?” You can confidently say “Why yes… yes I do.” ;)

Check out my video on the topic on Instagram

The One Thing Keeping You From Reaching Your Fitness Goal and How to Fix it Now.


After years of working with women, I know what is keeping you from reaching your fitness goals.

It’s not your genetics.

It’s not your body type.

It’s not your metabolism.

It’s not that you don’t have time.

It’s not that you don’t know what to do.

It’s not that you always quit everything you start…. (Well, we are getting closer here.)

The one thing keeping you from never reaching your fitness goal is that you don’t believe in yourself that you can.

Maybe you are saying, “I am going to try to hit this goal.” You start out testing your own will to stick to a routine. 

Or maybe you say  “I am afraid to commit to a program because I don’t trust myself that I will stick to it.”

Or do you pay a trainer because you think the outside accountability will make up for your lack of belief in yourself? You think that somehow others will be able to inspire you to change for good... 

Meanwhile, you have this ongoing and LOUD inner voice doubting yourself?

It’s my experience as a trainer, that if you don’t find some belief and confidence in yourself, you won’t succeed. If your inner voice isn’t coaching you onward, it’s going to overpower any other motivating voice in your life.

It’s the inner confidence, belief and vision you have for YOURSELF that will get you to your fitness goals. 

A trainer can provide a program, empowerment, and outward motivation, but until you work on your inner voice and belief system, you won’t change for good.

“You’ll See It When You Believe It.” - Wayne Dyer


This is a simple lesson in the law of attraction.

When you consciously or subconsciously doubt yourself, you are attracting the “staying stuck” into your life.

When you believe that you will reach your goal, you will.

The good news is that we can fix this! We can even fix it quickly if we really choose to.

How do we go from doubt to belief? 

Here are some tips to start building your belief today:

1. Borrow someone else’s belief.

For once, believe your trainer or your friend when they say, “I know you can do this.” 

2. Look for proof from other’s stories.

I promise that someone else with a similar story (or even a tougher one) to yours has done what you want to do. I know someone that is a bodybuilder with no arms! I know people who have lost 100s of pounds; I know many moms who are in better shape now than before kids; I know many women in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s + that are in their best shape of their lives. You can do it. Others have even paved the way.

3. Recognize your inner voice and what it is saying to you about this.

A simple recognition that you are speaking doubt into yourself, can shut it down. Recognize the dialogue, and stop it.

4. Make a firm decision now to change.

Some people spend a lifetime trying to change, and some people decide in an instant that enough is enough. A firm decision to change, that truly shifts your life, can take years to arrive at, or it can take a split second. It’s up to you. What if you said right now, “I am going to do this and I know that I can and I will.”?


5. Keep believing in yourself and that you will reach the goal even when you have a bad week.

Falling off the wagon does not mean you are a failure. Life happens. Call on your belief in yourself and your commitment to succeed and just climb back up there. It’s a journey of ups and downs and sometimes changing direction completely, but you will arrive…. If you believe that you will. 

We could all use support, positive coaching, a circle of people that help us along, but true empowerment and change happens when you believe it for yourself. That’s what I want for you.

Please reach out if I can help.

Val Solomon, Busy Mom Gets Fit