val's gals

Teacher, Mom, Fitness Competitor



Before Online Training.... Did You Have Any Struggles? What Was Your Life Like?

Through sports and running, I’ve always been quite fit and ate pretty well (thanks to my mom insisting on it!). As I became busier with two kids, I could no longer go to the gym. I found myself a bit lost and bored with my at-home workouts. I had even given up some of my sports, because being away could be so hard when the kids were young. I missed my workout buddies at the gym and my teammates and was struggling to find motivation. 

In 2016, I began working with an online trainer and eventually started working with Valerie Solomon. I was contemplating competing and I knew I absolutely wanted a coach to help me reach such a huge goal! I liked the idea of online coaching because I knew getting to a gym on a regular basis wouldn’t work for me but I knew I needed some guidance.

Today, online coaching still works great for me. I love the convenience and how it works with my busy lifestyle.

How Has Online Training Helped You?

Online training helped me fulfill my goals of competing in two fitness competitions! I never dreamed it was possible, and physically I looked better than I did after three kids than before I had any! I feel so strong and energetic for my job too (teaching gym to kids!). Mentally, the entire process of preparing for these shows could be tough. It stretched me in a lot of ways.


With practice, I became mentally stronger and getting through tough mental situations in all areas of life became easier. Balancing my macros has become a life habit now as well as strength training. Val has helped me train, but also maintain a sustainable way of life staying fit and healthy.

I feel so accomplished and proud for meeting my big goals. Training has benefited me in all areas of life and I reap these benefits daily. My family benefits from healthy meals daily and a happy mom who takes care of herself. 

How Has Online Trainig Brought You Closer To Achieving Your Goals?

It has helped me reach my goals in a way that helped me feel healthy and safe. I know some coaches out there are not as concerned about your overall health as my coach was. It has enhanced my life in many ways. I am so glad I trained with Val and got in contact with other like-minded, strong women!

If You Had One Piece Of Advice For Someone, What Would It Be?  

Always be grateful. If you feel down, do a mental inventory of the good things in life and you will be instantly better. 

Contact Coach Valerie Solomon here to inquire about online training


visit this page to learn about Val’s Gals Online Training group.