Spring Cleaning for Habits...How Are Those Goals Doin'?
Setting the goals in January is the “fun” part, "This is going to be the year!" --envisioning your muscular gains as you put on a bikini in the summer, or kill that marathon, etc. But there’s an enjoyment to be had in reflecting on how far you've come this year (or not come) and fine-tuning the process, as well.
Benefits to Beginning Exercise as You Age
8 Ways to Tell Your Nutrition is on Point
3 Big Ways Women Are Different From Men
Women who workout have already seen the differences between them and men who train similarly; it can seem like men reap significant rewards in the gym in what seems like less time. We know we won't bulk up like a man when we strength train, but sometimes we sure wish we put on muscle quicker, right? And why do they seem to lean out quicker??