strong women

A Lesson From Young Athletes

By Valerie Solomon, Busy Mom Gets Fit


Recently I was observing an elite teenage girls soccer team train on the track while one of my boys was practicing on the field. The girls ran a series of drills... Some laps for time, then a line drill set. 

These girls looked like phenomenal athletes. All of them were strong and in great shape.

One girl in particular was last to finish in every drill they did.

She was the shortest of them all with powerful quads. A few of the other girls who finished sooner would turn around a root her on to the finish every time.

I watched this go on for 45 minutes or so. At first I thought, “Man I’d hate to be the one that is last every time”.

Then I noticed.

When they did the line drill, many (most) of the girls stopped shy of the line 2 feet, 3 feet, a couple yards even when they were to turn around. They didn’t want to be last either. 

But my powerful quad girl went past the line. Everytime. She gave zero cares about being last. She gave 100% effort to the drill itself… to improve herself, to work hard. 

If I was picking players for a team that night based on just these running drills, she’d be my number one pick.


Mental toughness.

Giving zero cares about the noise around her and focusing on doing the hard work 100% all out.

And my second picks would be the girls who finished first, of course, and turned around to cheer on the rest. 

The world needs women who root for other women. And the world needs confident women who put their blinders on and do the work they need to do without caring what anyone thinks.

Which will you be? 

Can we be both?

Strong Vibes Only

By Valerie Solomon, Busy Mom Gets Fit

Strong Vibes Only.

I chose this phrase to put on the tank tops I gifted my Val’s Gals training clients in the month of June, because my goal for them (you) ultimately, is to be strong.

Strong Backs, Legs, Arms, Abs, Glutes… of course.


But more importantly:

Strong Minds.

Strong Voice.

Strong Character.

Strong Opinions.

Strong Points.

Strong Words.

Strong Hearts.

Strong Wills.

Strong Kids.

Strong Relationships.

Strong Friendships.

Strong Bonds.

When you find your own ‘Strong’, sometimes through challenges and sometimes through exercise, you change.

You realize what you are capable of.

You realize what you deserve.

You realize that you can do, think, lift, and be more than you once thought.

Good vibes are great.

Skinny Dreams are something.

But Strong Vibes create ripple effects in the world.

When you are strong, you show up for yourself and others. You take up the space the world needs you take up. You carry the things the world needs you to carry. You are more bold and willing to show up as your true self. 

I’ll take good vibes. But I’ll be happy with Strong Vibes Only.