collagen supplement

Collagen Elixir


By Valerie Solomon

Many of us begin noticing a decrease in our collagen production around the age of 30 when our skin begins to lose elasticity, our joints begin to ache, and our digestion starts to suffer.

The right collagen supplement can help give the body the building blocks it is looking for to produce its own collagen, improving our hair, skin, nails, tendons, ligaments, joints, etc.

Collagen Elixir is HERE!


What does Collagen Elixir do??

Isagenix Collagen Elixir supports the body to BUILD and PRESERVE collagen.

Besides marine collagen, the Elixir contains:

  • Vitamin c - a cofactor in our bodies collagen synthesis

  • Zinc and biotin - well known to support skin, hair, nails, bones

  • Goji berry and camomile - Powerful antioxidants

Collagen Elixir is:

Collagen + cofactors + anti oxidants


Collagen Elixir is made with Scandinavian-sourced marine collagen peptides and a variety of powerful botanicals that nourish your skin from the inside out. Glowing, radiant skin is just a sip away.


Youthful skin is the result of collagen proteins found in the body, which naturally decrease as we age. Because our bodies cannot replenish as much collagen on their own, our skin gradually loses elasticity and firmness over time.

Fortunately, nature gives us everything we need to enhance our natural beauty. Collagen Elixir’s synergistic blend of collagen, vitamins, and botanicals makes it possible for everyone to enjoy healthy, youthful skin from the inside out.

Freshness matters. In order to preserve the efficacy of the collagen peptides, each bottle is sealed in just 0.15 seconds to prevent gas exchange and oxidation. This helps us to maintain a premium quality and avoid the use of artificial preservatives.